
Class 2 Storage Place

Reference Clauses of the Act : Art. 17-2

It means a storage place of a high pressure gas set up after a notification report on its setting up is given to the prefectural governor to store a volume of not less than 300 m3 and less than 3000 m3 of only a Class 1 Gas (or not less than 300 m3 and less than 1000 m3 of only a Class 2 Gas), (except where a Class 1 Producer or dealer registered pursuant to the LPG Law stores it).

Moreover, volumes should be calculated in the same way as for a Class 1 Storage Place. See "Class 1 Storage Place". In addition, the technical standards applied to Class 1 Storage Places also apply to Class 2 Storage Places.

Furthermore, a Class 2 Storage Place sometimes means a place for containers at which a space for containers is only shown or a storage vessel/storage tank set up, as in the case of a Class 1 Storage Place.