
Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate

Reference Clauses of the Act : Art. 56-4 and Art. 56-6

(1) It means a certificate which the Minister of METI or others issues to a person who has gone through a Designated Equipment Inspection, to serve as proof that Designated Equipment has passed the Designated Equipment Inspection.

(2) A person to whom a Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate is issued shall return it to the Minister of METI or others in the following cases:

(i) where the person has lost the Designated Equipment;
(ii) where the person has exported the Designated Equipment;
(iii) when the person has scrapped or otherwise disposed of the Designated Equipment so that the Designated Equipment cannot be used as Designated Equipment; and
(iv) when a Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate is reissued to the person, if the person has recovered the Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate lost.

Moreover, it is provided that a Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate shall not be transferred or lent to any other person. A Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate may be reissued in a case such as it has been lost.

(3) Designated Equipment which has been made to undergo and has passed a Designated Equipment Inspection and whose pass is verified through a Designated Equipment Inspection Certificate does not need to be made to undergo a completion inspection of equipment in a completion inspection.