
Marking Plate (container)

Reference Clauses of the Act : Art. 45, para. (2)

When a container has passed a container inspection, in order to show that the container has passed the container inspection and to clarify necessary information for conducting an appropriate container reinspection or for appropriate filling, the container inspection conducting person shall stamp the information about those matters on the body of the container.

However, if it is difficult to stamp the information on the container, a marking plate shall be attached instead of stamping. Stamping and attaching a marking plate are collectively referred to as “Stamping or Marking Plate.”

The method of attaching a marking plate is prescribed as follows according to the varieties of containers:

(i) for a container with a thin dome part or a brazed container, a thin plate on which the prescribed items are stamped clearly and indelibly in the prescribed order should be welded, soldered, or brazed firmly to a visible part on the container such as its shoulder;

(ii) for a non-refillable container, a label on which the prescribed items are marked clearly and indelibly in the prescribed order should be affixed firmly to a visible part on the container such as its shoulder;

(iii) for a composite container, a label on which the prescribed items are marked clearly and indelibly in the prescribed order should be wound at a visible part on the hoop wrapping layer;
in addition to this, an exceptional method of affixing firmly a piece of aluminum foil on which the prescribed items are stamped to the exterior of the cylindrical part of the container may be used; and

(iv) for a container for automobile fuel systems which is imported in a state of being fitted to an automobile, a label on which the prescribed items are marked clearly and indelibly in the prescribed order should be affixed firmly to a visible part of the exterior of the container.

ref. Stamping (container)